"Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people" (Philippians 2:14-15, NLT)
Do you remember an old song called Grumblers? I do. It went something like this:
In country, town and city, some people can be found,
Who spend their time at grumbling at everything around.
Oh, yes, they always grumble no matter what you say,
Oh, yes, they always grumble no matter what you say,
For these are chronic grumblers they grumble night and day.
OHHHH they grumble on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Grumble on Thursday too. Grumble on Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Grumble the whole week through.
Nobody wants to be known as a grumbler, but how often do we get caught up in complaining about everything going on in our lives. When someone asks how we are doing we give them a list of all our woes. It gets to the place where no one wants to ask how you are.
We have to monitor our words. We really have to think about them before we say them. What is coming out of our mouths? Is it a complaint, grumble, gripe, or is it a positive word, a praise, a thankful heart? If we find we are always negative, we can change that. We can change our language. I know some people who used to cuss all the time, but with God's help they were able to clean up their language. The same is true for us, if we find there are foul things coming out of our mouths, then we must allow God to help us clean up our language.
Did you ever have your mouth washed out with soap? I never did because I was so sweet. Ha, Ha. But I have heard others tell of it and it was not a good experience but it was a memorable one. I would rather not have to have God wash my mouth out with soap, but instead help me to put sweet and positive things there.
This scripture says if we live a life without complaining then we will be shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. When we shine like these lights then we can be a witness to the world, when we are full of complaining, they don't see any difference between us and them. They don't see anything in us that they would want that is different then what they are already experiencing.
My challenge to you today is to make note of each time you complain, grumble, gripe, or argue. At the end of the day, see how you did. Make a commitment that you will do better tomorrow.